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Repairing a propane furnaceThe furnace as described in this page has a burner entry which is exposed to very high temperatures. As a result, the refractory (rated to 1450°C) melts and softens and, moreover the steel burner nozzle melts. I repaired the burner entry by applying Blakite with my fingers (photo courtesy my girlfriend) which do the job better than any cement applying tool. As a tip from this forum the repaired burner entry acts as a burner flare made from refractory. I fired this furnace to melt another sample of cast iron for 20 minutes which heated the cast iron to 1350°C. The inner part of the furnace was 1500°C. It withstood the heat well without cracking or softening. ConclusionBlakite is an excellent material not only to glue refractory bricks but also for plastering refractory bricks which are on the limit of its temperature rating. |
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